Friday, January 16, 2009


The new quarter at DHHS is off to a “Thunderous” start, with promising performances by our swim team, girls’ and boys’ basketball and wrestling. The WCSD Honors String Orchestra will perform with guest conductor, DSC’s Dr. Paul Abegg, Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The orchestra features the best string players in the school district. We congratulate our DHHS cheerleaders, who qualified for a United Spirit Association National Cheer competition last Saturday in Las Vegas. The team, coached by Cassidy Legg, also received second place in their advanced varsity cheer division. Please donate blood during our ARUP Blood Drive on Tuesday, Jan. 20, and community members are invited to attend our Community Council meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 3 p.m. at DHHS. Tenth graders will take the BSCT test, Feb. 3-5. Parent-teacher conferences will take place on those dates also. To bolster our students’ academic success, we are enforcing our tardy policy, so please encourage your students to be on time to their classes. If you have questions about the policy, please give us a call. We ask parents to use the Power School link on our school Web site,, to stay current with their student's progress in their classes.

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